Endpoint Protection
What is an Endpoint Protection?
An Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) is a security tool installed on business computers to stop online attacks, spot malicious activity, and offer quick detection and response to any actions from intruders. In other words, it is the practice of guarding against malicious actions and campaigns by endpoints or entry points of end-user devices like desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.
Endpoint Protection is capable of providing security such as anti-malware, web browser security, MDM, EDR, and DLP. It offers collaborative, layered security to detect and block most threats.
Endpoint Protection helps to
- Prevent ransomware
- Stop file-less attacks
- Avoid data breaches
- Identify & remove threats
How Does Endpoint Protection Work?
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) uses the latest and traditional technologies like Signature based analysis, Signatureless analysis, Behavior analysis, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence & so on. If we install Endpoint Protection in a network, it will monitor all the files, processes, and systems from the server to client machines. And it will block any questionable or malicious activities that are getting triggered. It will prevent intruders and malicious activities using malware or other tools to access the network or systems. The basic steps of using Endpoint Protection are
Install Solution
Configure Policies
Monitor Notifications
Update Patches
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