Why is IP Telephony required for your Business in Dubai?

Why is IP Telephony required for your Business in Dubai?

A traditional phone system in any business or company involves numerous landline phones connected through a maze of cables, each connected to a server room to accept incoming calls. Just imagining it sounds tiring, right? Instead, an IP telephone system is perfect for any business. It involves a cloud-based server working on an internet connection that does not need a server room to operate. This solves the majority of the issues because you will not need thousands of cables or a server operating system to answer incoming calls. Let us explain in this blog why it is necessary to switch to an IP telephone for your business in Dubai.

Difference between IP telephones and Traditional Analog Phone Calls

Although analog phones operate in a simplified way and are cost-effective, they can only operate to a certified limit. Since it is a hardware-based system, it is difficult to add new features to the phones apart from the normal features like redial, mute, speaker, etc. On the other hand, IP telephones operate through an internet connection and will not need any form of cell network. Additionally, IP phones will operate more efficiently than analog phones.

Why does your business in Dubai require IP telephone solutions?

The IP telephone system facilitates multiparty calling capabilities as it is purely based on Voice Over Internet Protocol, which gives it an edge over conventional phones. With an IP telephone system, there is a router that is connected to all the IP phones, and if you want to add an extra phone line, connect an IP phone to a router and Voila! You have a new line.

An IP phone operates seamlessly when the incoming call is transferred to the virtual server. VoIP is transformed into an audio file and transfers the information to an IP phone, which is perceived by the receiver. Because it operates through an internet connection and not a cell network, there are no worries of network crashing.

Also read: PBX and VoIP Security Checklist


Currently, several multimillion-dollar firms like Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and other telecommunication businesses have shifted to IP telephone systems and are saving huge amounts by disassociating from traditional phone systems. If you are looking for IP Telephony solutions in Dubai, then look no further than Node IT Solutions. They will make your transitions from traditional to IP phone systems an easy and quick experience. IP systems seamlessly transmit data, thus ensuring a smooth experience for the employees and consumers.

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